25 little tips that will make a big difference in your family life

The puzzle of life. Many people have problems with it. But I’m pretty sure they’re really just talking without thinking that there’s actually a lot of things to do to put that puzzle together. You should get tips now.

25 small tips that make a big difference in your life puzzle

  1. Get up a quarter of an hour earlier in the morning so you do not have to run around like a fool to make it to work. That quarter helps you avoid speeding fines, being late and unnecessary headaches.
  1. Plan a weekend at home. If you can put all your attention one weekend on cleaning out and throwing away, selling on the block, giving away, you will feel great afterwards.
    Plan and buy food for Monday to Friday at the same time. Doing so makes it a lot easier because you avoid the daily brain drain when you are in the store and wondering what to eat today.
  2. If you hate gardening – make your garden easy to manage instead of becoming your silent boss who gives you a bad conscience every time you look out the window. Your “garden” can be exchanged for any phenomenon.
  3. Make a list of small things that annoy you, like a dripping faucet, a closet door that hangs at an angle, a light bulb that does not work in the storage room. Fix those little things so you do not have to strain your good mood with them.
  4. Turn off the mobile phone. I have noticed that women are like the little boys were in the nineties. Then the eleven-year-olds were absorbed by hand-held games. Now women do the same. Turn off and look up sometimes. You do not have to reply to text messages the second they arrive. Dare to do an experiment and leave your mobile phone at home one day.
  5. Turn off your cell phone when doing something with your family. Parents of young children today think they are fantastic, but the whole park is full of parents who do not see the children rocking because they talk about work and pretend to be present with their children. Children grow up in a world where bruises are required to be seen.
  6. Leave time gaps between your daily duties. Whether it’s meetings or things you need to do, do not put them directly after each other so you do not have to stress around like crazy.
  7. Evaluate new things by asking “Will this help me simplify my life?”
  8. Create a goal for how you want your simplified life to look like. Write it down. This makes it easier to simplify if you can set everything you have to do against something concrete.
  9. Do not put the same ambition and energy into everything you do. Some tasks do not need the attention you give them at all. Think about who they are.
  10. Try something new. Read the manual for your new electronic manicures carefully. You will find features that you will never find otherwise and that can help you get things done better, faster and easier.
  11. Take a course in fast reading or read a book about the principles behind fast reading, and you will be able to sort out the fluff in all the information that you plow every day.
  12. Make a list of simple pleasures and ways to celebrate life and make sure you get to do things on the list often.
  13. Reduce homework. Many times people have a bigger to-do list at home than at work. The key to balance is learning what can be delegated and when you need help.
  14. Shrink your wardrobe. 20% of your clothes you use 80% of the time. In other words, you have too much clothing. Sort and dispose of what does not fit, is old or not used.
  15. Evaluate your rooms in the home. Remove everything that is not used, is no longer neat or does not work as you want. Sell ​​what can be sold.
  1. Limit your media consumption. Internet, TV and newspapers can easily become a bad habit. Spending too much time on media makes you passive.
  2. Create a space for incoming paper at home. Paper accounts for much of the clutter at home. The reason is that we put them in different places. On the bench, on the table, on the desk, in a drawer, in the car. No wonder we spend so much time looking for things.
  3. Teach your children where things belong. If you take the time to do that, you will spend less time barking and picking up things and more time on things that are fun. Bring your whole family on the journey to simplify life. Sit down together and talk about what you can do to make it that there is always a quarrel about in an easier way.
  1. A smart system for cleaning up at home is to designate a place as a starting zone. It can be your desk, the kitchen table or a meter radius around the sofa. Wherever you start, create a rule: Nothing should be put there that is not used. Remove everything that is not in use and once you have your starting zone in order – keep it in order. Now you can start expanding your clean zone until it covers the entire house.
  2. Schedule a weekend that is just about cleaning out. You may not feel like doing it right now but just planning it in allows you to breathe easier. When you clean out, make sure you have plastic bags, new cartons and branding equipment ready to use so it will be much easier to clean out.
  3. Pick up five things and put them where they should be. It should be things that you use but that you do not have a really good place for. Find that place by thinking through which place would be perfect to have things in. Walk around your home and look at all the flat surfaces and see what is on those that do not belong there. Remove them.
  4. Create a “maybe-box”. Sometimes when you go through a pile of stuff, you immediately know what to keep and what to throw away. But there are also things that you may have use for a day. Put them in your maybe box. Then put the box aside and write a note about it in your calendar six months in advance. Pull out the drawer and see what you really need in it. Usually you can throw everything.
  5. Everything you own should have a value, either because it has a function, is beautiful or because you like it. If your house starts to burn, what would you take with you? That’s what you choose for a fire that has a real value.
  6. Everything you have should be a place to “live”. Putting things down on the coffee table or kitchen counter creates clutter and confusion. If you know that your keys “live” on a hook in the hall, you will never drop them.